Our Services

Virtual Speech Therapy

Our Speech-Language Pathologists and Communicative Disorders Assistants provide articulation, fluency, language, and literacy/reading assessments and therapy
to clients of all ages across Canada via video calling sessions.

Our clinicians use a variety of games and activities to keep sessions fun and engaging, while also helping you or your loved one work toward each speech, language, or literacy goal.

Many extended healthcare plans have coverage for Speech-Language Pathology. You will receive an invoice after each session that can be submitted to your insurance company for reimbursement.

  • You may benefit from articulation services if you have difficulties with:

    • Pronunciation of certain sounds (e.g., F, S, L, R, TH)

    • Sequencing of sounds into words or sequencing of words into sentences

    • Overall speech clarity

  • You may benefit from fluency services if you have difficulties with:

    • Repeating sounds, words or phrases (e.g., “I w-w-w-want some”; “Go-go-go away”)

    • Getting stuck and being unable to get some words out

    • Involuntarily stretching sounds in words (e.g., “Wwwwwhy not?”)

  • You may benefit from language services if you have difficulties with:

    • Following directions

    • Categorization

    • Vocabulary and word finding (e.g., difficulties thinking of the right word; using vague terms instead of what is intended)

    • Morphology (e.g., plural “-s”, suffix “-ed”)

    • Prepositions (e.g., in, on, under)

    • Regular and irregular past tense verbs (e.g., played, showed, went, saw)

    • Sentence formulation (e.g., capitalization, punctuation, use of function words like “and”, “is”, “are”, etc.)

  • You may benefit from literacy services if you have difficulties with:

    • Letter-sound correspondence (e.g., A = “ah”, U = “uh”, EA = “ee”, OI = “oy”, etc.)

    • Rhyming

    • Blending (e.g., c+a+t = “cat”)

    • Segmenting (e.g., cat = “c+a+t”)

Speech therapy wherever you are.

Speech therapy wherever you are.