Why Virtual Therapy?

  • Extensive research has been conducted on the effectiveness of virtual speech and language therapy and results have shown that it is as effective as in-person, traditional services. While there are circumstances where being in-person is necessary, the majority of clients can receive equally effective care through video calling.

    Many parents worry about their children’s ability to participate over the computer; however, we use a variety of games and activities to keep sessions fun and engaging - we find that even the busiest of children are motivated to focus and participate throughout the session when they are reinforced with our games.

  • While parents are encouraged to observe some of their child’s sessions (this helps you learn how to “be the clinician” for home practice), children aged 5+ are often able to participate in their sessions alone. This independent participation helps children feel a sense of pride and ownership and it gives parents some spare time for chores, meal prepping, quality time with other children, self-care, and more!

  • In-person services have the added expense of commuting to and from each session. With virtual therapy, you are able to join the session from the comfort of your own home without having to spend any extra resources to commute, ensure someone can watch other siblings, etc.

  • Joining a session over the computer removes the need to factor in time for travel around your sessions. This is also true for our clinicians, meaning that they have more time in their day to support you and other families! Additionally, it means that canceling appointments when traveling within your home province isn’t necessary!

  • Due to the fact that proximity is not a barrier, you can work with a clinician in your home province regardless of where both of you live! Virtual services often give you the ability to get matched with a clinician who is available sooner and who has skills in the area you need. With the current shortage of Speech-Language Pathologists, and the fact that many clinics have long waiting lists, virtual therapy can help reduce your wait while still giving you effective service.

Speech therapy wherever you are.

Speech therapy wherever you are.